From Beginners to Pros: Answering Your Most Common Questions on Butt Plugs and Bullet Vibrators

From Beginners to Pros: Answering Your Most Common Questions on Butt Plugs and Bullet Vibrators

Butt plugs and vibrators feel scary good. You’re stimulating a highly sensitive area. A part some consider more responsive than the clitoris. 

So, if you’re considering anal play or about to have your first encounter with a sex toy with a bullet vibrator, we’re here to answer all your burning questions. 

1. Does Wearing Buttplugs Make Me Gay?

No, wearing butt plugs does not make you gay. The only way you’re gay is if you’re attracted to the same sex. 

Plenty of straight men do enjoy wearing butt plugs and having a good old time with their partner. There are posts on Reddit as old as 12 years ago of straight men proudly wearing butt plugs

There are also posts made less than a year ago of straight men wondering if it’s okay for them to wear butt plugs. 

If there are enough straight men who have the desire to wear butt plugs, you certainly aren’t alone, nor is it gay. 

2. Is It Okay to Sleep With a Toy up Inside You?

No, you shouldn’t sleep with a toy inside you. If you are asleep, you might miss out on warning signs like bleeding. 

So, sleeping with a toy inside won’t generally harm you, but if it does, you won’t know because you’re asleep. 

Dr. Evan Goldstein also recommends not wearing a butt plug for extended periods. If you leave the plug inside for too long, the surrounding area might start swelling. Removing the butt plug becomes quite difficult then. 

It can also cause bleeding and fissures. 

But if you do want to walk around wearing it for longer periods, use lots of lube and go for a comfortable size for the plug. 

3. Are Bullet Vibrators Safe to Use?

Bullet vibrators are safe as a sex toy if you maintain some caution. Bullet vibes are usually the length of an index finger, so most people use them externally. But there are plenty available on the market for internal use. 

If you plan on using it internally, be sure to get a good grip while inserting it. Don’t let it slip from your hands, though the possibility of a freak accident is spectacularly low. 

*In this article bullet vibrators are referred to as external toys, here they are refered to as internal
Bullet vibrators can be used for both, what I think was meant here is that use caution when inserting a bullet vibrator into the vagina to not let it slip from your hands etc.

Also try to follow a couple of safety precautions like:

  • Using only body-safe material
  • Replacing the vibe if it’s damaged 
  • Thorough cleaning so bacteria doesn’t build up. 

4. Can the Butt Plug Get Stuck Inside Me?

No. Most butt plugs have a flared base or round stopper. This design prevents the toy from getting stuck inside the rectum. 

Now, there have been cases where a jeweled butt plug got stuck inside someone. So if you go for the model, make sure the base is big enough to not get lost inside you. 

5. Will the Butt Plug Make Me Poop?

Butt plugs might make you feel like you have to poop. But they can’t make you poop. This is a pretty silly myth. 

Poop isn’t stored in the anus. If you aren’t intentional about pooping, it won’t happen. 

6. Do Butt Plugs Hurt?

They can hurt if you shove it in. But they aren’t supposed to.

In fact, butt plugs are designed for pleasure. But of course, if you are too hasty with the toy, it might hurt. Which is why you should be using lots of lube. 

If you are a beginner, it will also feel a little uncomfortable at the start.

But it shouldn’t hurt. The moment you feel serious pain, you should stop and go to a doctor instead. 

If you have any questions, comment down below or mail us. We’ll be happy to guide you.

7. How do I clean my toys?

Properly cleaning your sex toys on a regular basis is very important to keep you and your toys clean and healthy. Gently washing your toys with soap and warm water is a great way to keep them clean in between uses, although we recommend using an antibacterial toy cleaner for the best results.

8. What if the toy isn't enjoyable for me?

If the sex toy isn’t enjoyable for you, don’t force it. Trying to work with a toy you don’t enjoy can end up hurting you. 

But do look at other factors which might be stopping you from enjoying the toy. For example, you might not be relaxed enough or not using the right lube. It’s also possible you haven’t figured out the right settings for you, which is a real possibility in the case of a vibrator. 

For example, if bullet vibrators don’t appeal to you, there are plenty of other toys you can try, such as the Magic Wand or panty vibrators

9. What are some tips for using a bullet vibrator during solo play?

You should start by getting familiar with the device first. Read the instruction manual, and learn the different speed settings and the on-off buttons. Fumbling around with the buttons while you’re trying to get hot with the bullet vibe doesn’t make for a sexy image. 

Next, get a compatible lube and lather the vibrator with it. Turn on the lowest setting and feel the vibrator on your skin. You don’t have to start with a sensitive zone. You can use it like a massager first. 

Run it over your arm, thighs, neck- wherever you feel like it. If this is your absolute first time, sudden intense vibrations can be uncomfortable. The tip of the bullet vibe, in particular, delivers the most vibrations. 

So, you might want to run the flat body of the bullet over your skin first. 

As you start getting used to the sensation, try experimenting with different speeds and modes. Once you get used to the feeling, try the bullet on more sensitive zones like your clit, labia, or even your nipples. 

Some people like to press down the bullet firmly and turn it to the highest setting just before they climax. Others draw it out. You will need to experiment with different styles a couple of times before you figure out your type of solo play. 

But, as long as you chase the pleasure, you should be good. 

10. Are bullet vibrators waterproof? 

Not all bullet vibrators are alike. Yes, there are many waterproof bullets available but not all bullets are waterproof. With so many makes and models available we have the perfect bullet vibrator for you.

Final Thoughts

Butt plugs are more advanced toys. If it’s your first time using a sex toy, it’s not the one you will go for. Most people would opt for a bullet vibrator. 

But, if it’s your first time considering anal play, butt plugs make the perfect training ground. For your first time, we recommend the Shots Elegance Glow Heating Butt Plug. As for bullet vibes, the Evolved Purple Passion Rechargeable Bullet makes sense, especially with its lower price point. 

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